Celeb Jhaidredpit - Displaying page 1 of 5242. Celebjihad is 99% fake. Also, maisie williams is 18 now, fyi. Celebjihad. com had some funny pictures of a topless taylor swift and now the site is gone. New comments cannot be posted and votes. So, we decided to compile you. Til a website had fake nudes of taylor swift and when she confronted the site they said they would take the pictures down if swift converted to islam and sacrificed a goat. You filthy zionists and homoqueers have no right looking at it! Celeb jihad is infamous for publishing explicit content involving celebrities. The website started around in 2008, but it only came to the spotlight after it posted topless photos. Celeb jihad is a website known for sharing leaked private videos and photos as well as faked ones of celebrities as a form of jihad satire. The daily beast desc.
Displaying page 1 of 5242. Celebjihad is 99% fake. Also, maisie williams is 18 now, fyi. Celebjihad. com had some funny pictures of a topless taylor swift and now the site is gone. New comments cannot be posted and votes.